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Welcome to the VA-Mare platform! Here you can order the umbrellas and sun loungers available in baths in Pescara, Montesilvano and Francavilla al Mare. It is possible to choose the beach you like the most and book your vacation in the cities Pescara, Montesilvano and Francavilla al Mare.

The beaches are divided into 4 zones:

Select the area of interest on the map and you will be taken to a map of the beaches in that area. There you can see information about all the beaches on our platform.

How it works?

Choose the beach you are interested in, choose the umbrella you want, fill out the form, book and pay. You will receive a unique booking code, which must be presented when visiting the beach.


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Company's news

Beaches of Pescara and surroundings

Пляжи в Пескаре и ее окрестностях на Адриатическом побережье по своей протяженности можно сравнить разве что с пляжами в Римини. Общая протяженность пляжей Монтесильвано, Пескара

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Choosing the best beach

In terms of length, the beaches of Pescara and the surrounding area on the Adriatic coast can only be compared with the beaches of Rimini. The total length of the beaches of Montesilvano, Pescara and Francavilla al Mare is about 20 km...

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