Beaches of Pescara and surroundings
Пляжи в Пескаре и ее окрестностях на Адриатическом побережье по своей протяженности можно сравнить разве что с пляжами в Римини. Общая протяженность пляжей Монтесильвано, Пескара
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Select the area of interest on the map and you will be taken to a map of the beaches in that area. There you can see information about all the beaches on our platform.
Choose the beach you are interested in, choose the umbrella you want, fill out the form, book and pay. You will receive a unique booking code, which must be presented when visiting the beach.
“A suggestive place, the staff is attentive, knowledgeable, helpful. Very good dishes. Probably, however, some dishes should be enhanced, perhaps with a little more flavor and a few more ingredients. Frying is one of the best on the Pescara Riviera. "
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Beach is clean and nice BUT you can hardly see the beach when you as a tourist are placed at the very far end since you are only a daily guest. Permanent renters and staff are impolite when you want to use another free but according to them rented sunbeds. So you have to cope with less quality sunbed, umbrella and noise from the McDonald’s next to it. When you want to enjoy your beach AND sea vacation, I recommend to choose another spot where you can get closer to the actual sea and where permanent renters are much kinder. It seems that they just want to be among themselves at Aurora’s”
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Супер морской ресторанчик и супер детская площядка, есть даже бассейн.
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“Ottimo stabilimento in Pescara. A metà strada tra il porto e piazza Salotto, è il tipico stabilimento di questa bella città. Palme confortevoli ed ombrose ed i servizi sulla spiaggia funzionali. La gestione familiare si avvale di collaboratori che mantengono pulita l’arenile. Completa la struttura un ottimo bar dove di giorno è possibile consumare un leggero spuntino, mentre la sera si trasforma in un bel cocktail-bar dove è possibile ascoltare ottima musica al fresco della brezza marina.”
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“Niepozorna, ale bardzo smaczna restauracja. Pyszne owoce morza, kawa i słodkości. Warto zaglądnąć w południe żeby coś przekąsić. Chwile po 12 restauracja zapełnia się w 15 minut. Lokalsi, turyści i stado dzieci. Obsługa nie mówi w języku angielskim. Żeby cis zamówić potrzebujesz menu – jest w języku angielskim. Specjalności dnia zamawiasz chodząc z kelnerem po restauracji, żebyś mógł wskazać na co masz ochotę”
Views: 184
“Super ristorante di pesce e super parco giochi, c’è anche una piscina.”
Views: 227
Пляжи в Пескаре и ее окрестностях на Адриатическом побережье по своей протяженности можно сравнить разве что с пляжами в Римини. Общая протяженность пляжей Монтесильвано, Пескара
Pescara will delight you with a variety of beach areas. Gourmets should definitely visit Abruzzo to experience the local cuisine.The swimming season here lasts from early May to October...
In terms of length, the beaches of Pescara and the surrounding area on the Adriatic coast can only be compared with the beaches of Rimini. The total length of the beaches of Montesilvano, Pescara and Francavilla al Mare is about 20 km...
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